The Guardian view on AI and copyright: creativity should be cherished, not given away | Editorial

The government’s consultation was weighted towards big tech. Now is the time for a rethink

It’s a seductive promise: let our computers scrape the internet for ideas, images, forms of words, stories, music, jokes … and our industry will make your country rich. For a UK government desperate for economic growth, the demands of tech companies for copyright laws to be relaxed – in order that their artificial intelligence (AI) systems can access as much online content as possible without having to pay or seek permission – have been hard to resist. The US and China are the global leaders of this new tech race. But the UK has a chance to compete that ministers are desperate not to miss.

To AI businesses, copyright is an irritant. Three years ago, it appeared that their lobbyists were on the verge of getting their way when a government agency, the Intellectual Property Office, recommended an exemption for data mining. This would grant bots free rein and – so the argument went – provide an incentive for tech companies to invest in the UK.

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